One of my goals for 2010 is to keep better track of our saving, spending and percentage savings when we go grocery shopping. Last May I started half-heartedly writing our savings down most of the time after each grocery trip on an envelope. From May-December 31, we saved $1456.67 using coupons and sales. While I am happy about our savings, I know that I forgot to write down many of our shopping trips and also never took into account if my husband made a trip. I also only wrote down our savings, never what we spent or our percentage of savings. Obviously the "envelope" system of recording doesn't work for me!
The Coupon Project posted a great Excel Savings Tracker that helps track your spending. Its a free download and can help you reach your weekly, monthly and yearly financial goals. Find the Savings Tracker HERE.
I found the link to this through Money Saving Mom's site and downloaded it this weekend. I love it! I always like seeing that "total savings" number in bold at the top of my Meijer receipts, but this week I used the spreadsheet to input receipts from Meijer, Walgreens and Family Fare. It's nice to see how much I saved overall and how much of my budgeted grocery money is left.